We specialize in customized fumigation equipment. Call us if you have an idea and we can help make it happen. We can help you with ProFume®, Vikane®, Eco2Fume® & Methyl Bromide application equipment.
ProFume® HD Shooting Hose w/ 24″ Stinger off a Flow-Control Valve. Quick-Connect fitting attaches the hose to the cylinder adapter Eco2Fume® Shooting Hose w/ 12″ Stinger
off a Ball Valve12″ Stinger w/ Connection for 3/8 LLDPE Hose for use with ProFume® or Methyl Bromide. Vikane® Shooting Manifold for Braided Hose. A Check-Valve stops the flow of gas through the unused port.
These are just a few examples of items we have made. Check back as we will periodically update the gallery. Call us and we can replicate any of the items for you.